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A New Wave of Therapy for RAPID results

RTT can be a life-changing experience for those who are looking for a faster alternative to the more traditional therapies and want to fix a specific issue.

It’s fast-acting, without being a quick fix, and the benefits from just one session are instant.


RTT is based on the principles of Neuroplasticity and combines hypnotherapy with the most beneficial aspects of NLP, psychotherapy, CBT and neuroscience.

Neuroplasticity is the capacity of your brain to rewire itself and change your habits of thoughts, habits of feelings and habits of action.

Check the video for more ☞ 


How does it work ?

Deep Clarity session

45 minutes deep dive session to understand the problem, its impact on your life and to define the ideal outcome you desire.

RTT Session

It is a 2 hour session taking place in person or via zoom. There is nothing you need to do to prepare, just be there and let the relaxation unfold. 

Personalised Recording

You just need to listen to a 15-20 minutes recording everyday for 21 days. That's all, your subconscious mind will do all the work for you.

Follow-up Sessions

2 x 30 minutes follow-up sessions to check your progress, how you are doing and to strengthen the process with additional cognitive tools.

During the RTT session

Cutting-Edge, Scientific, Rapid Results Therapy in 4 steps

HYPNOSIS INDUCTION : It is a process for inducing a relaxed state of mind and a space for communication between conscious and subconscious mind. You will feel relaxed while having access to the subconscious database.

FINDING THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE ISSUE : identifying the weeds in the garden of the mind.

We will be chatting, I’ll ask you questions, you don’t have to do anything, simply tell me anything that is coming up for you. Whether you find it relevant or not, just let it out. It’s easy.

REMOVING THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE ISSUE : pulling out the weeds from the garden of the mind.

With a set of cutting edge and powerful therapy techniques, we are going to interrupt the behaviours, dismantle the beliefs, reframe your past experiences to free yourself from what is holding you back. It is all very gentle.

CREATING NEW BRAIN CONNECTIONS : planting the seeds of new empowering information.

I will record this part where we will plant new empowering information in your subconscious mind. These range from beliefs about yourself, the world around you,  bodily functions ...

"Steph has truly given me my life back and I cannot thank her enough. In a short space of time, I completely overcame my anxieties in social settings and I can finally live a normal life and enjoy what most people take for granted. I feel like the ‘real me’ has emerged after meeting the lovely Steph. I only wish I had met her earlier. "

London, UK

"It is incredible! The psoriasis on my scalp is nearly gone. No more flakes on my pillow in the morning. I still cannot believe it."

Geneva, Switzerland

"No words will ever be able to describe the impact Steph has had on my life & in so many different ways! After the first session, I knew this was going to change my life forever. In 5 weeks I have lost just over 1 stone, I am buzzing, I love myself for the first time in such a long time! She truly is the best of the best and cannot recommend her enough."

London, UK

"I am a trained counsellor but wanted to see if this new technique could help me. I was blown away at how quickly Steph tapped into some childhood traumas and again some traumas that I experienced as an adult. I left the session feeling immediately lighter and emotionally better. It's like she has unlocked something within me."

London, UK

"It's really changed my life! I listened to the recording every day for 21 days (sometimes twice a day as it was helping me so much!) and now I have a much more positive, happy relationship with my body and I feel much more present in my life."

London, UK

"In just 1 session, my period has transformed rom excruciatingly painful to just uncomfortable. To find something that has helped with 1o years of painful periods is amazing. Last month, I went on a 12km walk while normally i'd be bent over in the bathroom in so much pain."

Cardiff, UK

"After a lifetime of not loving myself, constantly feeling inferior and jealous of others, I started feeling different immediately after the session. Fast forward 21 days of listening to my hypnosis audio, I have fallen in love with myself, I love and respect others and feel worthy and confident. It's phenomenal, incredible, it is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Choosing Steph as my RTT Therapist was an amazing experience and the best decision of my life"

London, UK


1 session is often enough to solve a simple problem.

However my clients often book up to 3 sessions because :

  • Freeing yourself from deeply engrained patterns of behaviours and limiting beliefs can be like pealing an onion and can reveal underlying issues that also need to be dealt with. 
  • Many of my clients are so happy with the results of their one session, that they want to up-level their life on other domains too.

That's why I created a package of 3 x RTT at a discounted rate.




1 x Deep Clarity Session 

1 x RTT Session (2 hours)

1 x Hypnosis recording 

2 x Follow-up sessions

Unlimited support via whatsapp

Book a free consultation




3 x Deep Clarity Session 

3 x RTT Session (2 hours)

3 x Hypnosis recording 

6 x Follow-up sessions

Unlimited support via whatsapp

Book a free consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Everybody can be hypnotised. It’s a natural state of deep relaxation we often go into throughout the day. When you watch a movie and you jump if someone knocks on your door. That’s an hypnotic state.

Don’t expect to feel hypnotised

Because it is a natural state. There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis. You don’t go anywhere and many people actually do not realise they are in hypnosis until they come out of it. It is deeply relaxing and reassuring.

Do expect to feel relaxed

Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation because it will be suggested to you to feel relaxed.

It is totally safe

Because it is a natural state that you go into regularly throughout your day without noticing it.

You will never be stuck in hypnosis, there is no secret warehouse out there filled with people stuck in hypnosis. 

You are always in control

If I tell you to get up and go rob a bank, you will not! You will only accept the suggestions that are given if you feel it is in your interest to do so.


Most issues can be solved between 1 and 3 sessions. I will be able to give you an indication of the number of sessions needed during our free consultation.

 Don’t worry, you will not relieve anything, you will review things, like you are watching a movie on a screen. There might be a few tears, but you will be OK, you will uncover and release. We will be chatting

RTT does give extraordinary results in record times. There might be 2 reasons why you are not getting the results expected:

  1. Either you are not listening to the recording everyday and neuroplasticity is not taking place ie your brain structure is not changing because of lack of reinforcement.
  2. The issue is deeper than initially estimated, there is a further block that we might need to explore,  like peeling a further layer of the onion. Most issues can be solved in 3 sessions though.

During the RTT session, we will create new europathways between neurons. These are new habits of thoughts, habits of action and habits of emotions.

Each time you listen to the recording, you strengthen these neuropathways until they become so strong that they become the default habit.

Think about learning a new skill, at first, everything is "un-natural", seems "forced" simply because it is unfamiliar : there are no neuropathways in your brain for it. 

Skiing for example, you need to face the slope and have your body forward which is naturally totally unconceivable by your brain that wants to protect you from falling forward. At first, you have to force your body into this position, it is weird, un-natural but before you know it, it becomes automatic!

Of course! That's the joy of technology. Sessions are equally powerful on zoom. I will just ask you to have headphones so that you are not disturbed by potential noise around you.

It all starts with a free consultation

We will unpack your current situation and establish what you wish to achieve. We will also get to know each other and see if we are a good match to work together.

I look forward to talking with you.

Book your call now